Sunday, May 4, 2008

Holocaust Denial Links

Holocaust Denial Links: Prominent Figures in Holocaust Denial

Arthur Butz is an American Holocaust denier who is also a professor of engineering at Northwestern University (he has had tenure since 1974).

Arthur Butz on Bill O’Reilly

Arthur Butz, Northwestern statement

Arthur Butz page

Misha Defonseca is a writer, originally from Belgium and now living in Massachusetts, who wrote a Holocaust memoir which has been revealed to be fake.

Misha’s Holocaust hoax

Deborah Lipstadt is a historian and professor of Modern Jewish and Holocaust Studies at Emory University and the author of Denying the Holocaust.

Deborah Lipstadt on Bill O’Reilly

David Irving has written over 30 historical books and unsuccessfully sued Deborah Lipstadt for libel after she discussed his Holocaust denial in a book.

Pro David Irving video

Fred Leuchter is an execution technician who has defended Holocaust deniers.

Fred Leuchter speaking

Bradley Smith is the founder of the Committee for Open Debate on the Holocaust.

Bradley Smith on campus on Phil Donahue

Bradley Smith blog

Additional links:

Denial video

Persecution of revisionists

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